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One Year of Cialis: Is it Safe in the Long Term?

  • Tuesday 26 March 2024
  • 6 minute(s) read

So, you’re considering Cialis to help treat your erectile dysfunction. Great choice — Cialis is one of the most popular and effective ED meds available today. But if you’re going to take any drug long-term, it’s natural to have questions about how it may work for you not just now but in the months and years to come.

Will Cialis remain effective for you over time? Are there any long-term side effects that you should be aware of? This guide will give you the lowdown on what you can expect from Cialis over the long run.

How Cialis Works

So, how does Cialis work? The quick answer: it helps relax the muscles in your penis, which increases blood flow. 1

But let's break it down a bit more.

Cialis contains an active ingredient called tadalafil, which belongs to a group of meds called PDE5 inhibitors. When a man is aroused, his brain sends signals to the muscles and blood vessels in the penis to relax and let more blood flow in. This is what causes an erection.

Usually, a compound called PDE5 steps in to stop the erection. Tadalafil blocks PDE5, allowing the blood vessels to stay relaxed for longer. This allows more blood to flow into the penis and gives a stronger erection. 1

The effects of Cialis can last up to 36 hours, which is why it's sometimes called "the weekend pill." It allows more spontaneity and flexibility with intimacy. But remember - you still need arousal for it to work. Cialis helps prolong an erection, but it doesn't automatically cause an erection. 1

It usually takes 30 minutes for Cialis to start working after taking it. The timing can vary from person to person, so don't worry if it takes a bit longer. It's best to take it about 1 hour before sexual activity. 1

Doctors have prescribed Cialis for many years. But like any med, it's not suitable for everyone. Be sure to talk to your doctor about whether Cialis is appropriate for your situation.

Cialis Dosage Options

man in green shirt talking to doctor pointing to an information sheet

The right Cialis dosage for you will depend on your needs and tolerance. The good news is Cialis comes in various doses so that you can find the perfect balance of effectiveness and comfort.

Let's start with the basics. Cialis has four strengths: 2.5 mg, 5 mg, 10 mg, and 20 mg. The lower doses (2.5 mg and 5 mg) are typically prescribed for daily use. This means you can take a pill every day, allowing you to be spontaneous without the pressure of timing a med. 1

If you prefer a more on-demand approach, the 10 and 20 mg doses may suit you better. These higher strengths are taken as needed, usually about 30 minutes before sex. This option gives you a boost of confidence at your disposal whenever you need it. 1

Now, you might be wondering how to determine which dosage is right for you. The answer lies in finding the sweet spot that balances effectiveness and tolerance. A dose that’s too high for your body can lead to side effects such as headaches, dizziness, back pain, vision issues, and hearing changes. On the other hand, a dose that’s too low won’t be effective. 1

It's always best to start with the lowest effective dose and gradually increase if needed. This approach minimizes the risk of potential side effects and helps you find the optimal dosage for your body.

How Many Years Can You Take Cialis?

When starting any med, it’s natural to wonder if it will remain safe and effective in the long term.

According to a 2010 study published in The Journal of Sexual Medicine, Cialis remained effective throughout the year-long study. The researchers analyzed men who used Cialis 5 mg once daily for a year. The results found that 86% of the men experienced an improvement in their ED or maintained normal erectile function. 2

Another study in The Journal of Sexual Medicine examined Cialis usage in men over two years. The results showed that the med is safe and effective. More specifically, an astonishing 95% of men reported an improvement in erections. 3

It’s important to note that both studies were funded by Eli Lilly, the company that makes Cialis. 2 3 More independent, long-term research may be helpful. But so far, the evidence indicates Cialis is safe for continuous use.

As with any med, periodic checkups with your doctor while taking Cialis long-term are a good idea. Your doctor can monitor your health and response to the medication.

Does Cialis Cure ED?

Man in blue striped shirt holding a condom and a bottle of Cialis.

Cialis doesn't “cure” ED. Unfortunately, no ED pill provides a complete cure. {1}}

ED can be caused by a variety of factors, including physical conditions like diabetes, neurological disease, vascular disease, or prostate-related treatments, as well as psychological factors like stress, anxiety, or relationship issues. To work towards curing ED, it's important to consult with a healthcare professional who can help identify the root cause of your ED and develop a comprehensive treatment plan. 4

The good news is Cialis can be taken on an ongoing basis to continue helping with ED. It comes in daily and as-needed forms, so you can choose what makes the most sense for your needs and lifestyle.

Final Tips

Cialis is an effective ED solution that is safe for long-term use. Its various dosing options and long-lasting formula provide a convenient solution for many men.

The key is to have realistic expectations about what Cialis can and can't do. While it can improve erections, it's a temporary fix that requires ongoing use, not a one-time cure. But when used appropriately under your doctor's supervision, it can be a real game-changer for your sex life and confidence.

If you have more questions about Cialis, visit mailMymeds dedicated Cialis blog for answers. If you're ready to order Cialis, accurately fill out a consultation questionnaire, and a U.S. board-certified doctor will review your answers. To get started, place an order for Cialis today.


How many years can you take Cialis?

Currently, the longest study assessed Cialis usage over two years and concluded that it's well-tolerated and effective. 3 However, more studies are needed to assess its effectiveness in the long term. In the meantime, as with any med, it's a good idea to have regular checkups with your doctor to ensure Cialis continues to work well for you and discuss any side effects.

Does Cialis cure ED?

Unfortunately, Cialis doesn't cure ED. Many factors, including stress, depression, diabetes, neurological disease, and vascular disease, can cause erectile dysfunction. 4 The best approach to treating ED is to work closely with your doctor to determine the underlying cause and then work toward treatment and management.

Can you build a tolerance to Cialis?

Cialis has showcased its effectiveness for up to two years in recent studies. 3 However, we don't have any research yet on how Cialis may work for erectile dysfunction over longer periods or if tolerance develops. If, after taking Cialis for a while, you find that it's not helping as much with your ED, talk to your doctor. They will work with you to adjust your dosage.

The content in this article is intended for informational purposes only. This website does not provide medical advice. In all circumstances, you should always seek the advice of your physician and/or other qualified health professionals(s) for drug, medical condition, or treatment advice. The content provided on this website is not a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment.

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